Celes Arca Wiki
Type knight male

The Knight is one of the two classes that can be chosen after completing the Superior Class Change Exam quest as a Fighter, with the other being the Barbarian. Compared to the Barbarian, the Knight has more defense but less physical attack power.


See also : Fighter skill list
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Once the player changes class to become a Knight, he/she gets 5 more unlock keys to unlock new skills.

Strike type[]

Strike L4[]

Slash attack on a single foe
1st time: Soft Corus x 8, Pretty Corus x 15, Chromium Piece x 14
After: ?

Charge type[]

Charge L4[]

Set off a charged attack (needs 2 turns to charge) (MP cost : 14)
1st time: Heavy Corus x 9, Light Corus x 14, Linde Seed x 8
After: Heavy Corus x 13, Light Corus x 20, Linde Seed x 14, Pearl Ore x 15

Blood Oath L4[]

Sacrifice HP to your allies
1st time: Warped Corus x 19, Ragged Cloth x 8, Tree Stem x 1
After: ?

Crash type[]

Crash L4[]

Cancel charge attacks by foes
1st time: Soft Corus x 8, Solid Corus x 16, Holy Drop x 9 + 4630Z
After: Soft Corus x 14, Solid corus x 22, Holy Drop x 16, White Crystal x 1 + 9260Z

バ ッ シ ュ Lv4 (Bash L4)[]

Master the art of attacking with a shield (盾で殴りつける技を会得する)
1st time: Heavy Corus x 18, Weird Rag x 15, Ruby Gem x 8 + 4630Z
After: Heavy Corus x 23, Weird Rag x 18, Ruby Gem x 10 + 9260Z

Cost 4 MP. Chance of paralyzing enemies

執念 (Obstinance)[]

Master the art of attacking to survive (攻撃に耐え抜く術を会得する)
1st time: Soft Corus x 17, Pom Fruit x 9, 機鋼体の銅線 (Metal Chassis) x 1
After: ?

贄の契約 (Sacrifice) (costs 1 key)[]

Master the art of self-sacrifice (自己の犠牲の技を会得する)
1st time: Soft Corus x 16, Lead Chunk x 15, Pom Fruit x 9, Beast Fang x 1
After: ?

バッシュ Lv5 (Bash L5) (costs 1 key)[]

Master the art of attacking with a shield (盾で殴りつける技を会得する)
1st time: Heavy Corus x 24, 清潔そうな布切れ (Clean Rag ?) x 22, Blue Crystal L x 6, Chromium Piece x 5 + 6400Z
After: ?

バッシュ Lv6 (Bash L6)[]

Master the art of attacking with a shield (盾で殴りつける技を会得する)
1st time: Heavy Corus x 30, Weird Rag x 26, Red Crystal L x 10, Dragon Meat (?) x 1
After: ?

Fierce Attack type[]

Fierce Attack L4[]

Stronger attack when near death (MP cost : 18)
1st time: Soft Corus x 9, Light Corus x 19, Chromium Piece x 6, Spirit Sand x 1
After: Soft Corus x 14, Light Corus x 23, Chromium Piece x 13, Gold Piece x 13

Manazanba L4[]

A powerful attack based on HP
1st time: Heavy Corus x 23, Goopy Liquid x 9, Dorsal Fin x 1
After: ?

Power Up type[]

Power Up L4[]

Raise power (weapon)
1st time: Heavy Corus x 11, Red Crystal L x 7, Amethyst Ore x 14
Power Up L5
1st Time: Soft Corus x 16, Iron Chunk x 15, Pom Fruit x 9, Beast Fang x 1
After: Heavy Corus x 16, Black Crystal S x 23, Amethyst Ore x 23

Counter type[]

Counter L4[]

Counter after enemy attack
1st time: Warped Corus x 7, Pretty Corus x 17, Weird Rag x 12
After: Warped Corus x 12, Pretty Corus x 21, Weird Rag x 15, Tochi Seed x 13

Fortify (costs 1 key)[]

Cancel enemy attack
1st time: Soft Corus x 13, Pom Fruit x 18, Brass Chunk x 5, Black Crystal S x 8
After: ?

Gain Break[]

Power Swipe (L1): Powerful attack on a single foe.

Justice (L2): Attracts enemy's attack and invalidates the damage to the caster for 4 turns (Status effect cannot be invalidated)
