Celes Arca Wiki

This is the general discussion page for the wiki! New founders should leave a nice welcome message and encourage new visitors and editors to leave a note to get the conversation started.

This is a talk page. If you need to talk about anything related to this wiki, please do so here Tama 92 (founder) 18:36, May 29, 2012 (UTC)[]

NPC ?[]

Hi everyone :)

Do you think it would be a good idea to create a category NPC where we can put all the NPC and informations about them, for example their location, their role (shop, storage...) and the quests they give ? tama_92 | talk 13:55, July 2, 2012 (UTC)

Hi hi, I'm still new at this but, i saw you needed a little help with a few missing details on some stuff, hope a few of my edits and additions are at least a little helpful towards the wiki. I also hope I'm not messing it up too badly, I play a striker and a jaeger so as far as gunners go I'll be trying my best to keep everyone informed. As far as your question on NPC's, I think its a good idea ^-^ TheOriginalUnnatural (talk) 11:02, December 5, 2013 (UTC)
Hey there :)
I saw your edits, thanks for doing it ! As of the idea, it is planned, but we are quite busy now so you can't see us as often as before on here ; but don't worry, it'll be done ... one day :p tama_92 | talk 20:16, December 5, 2013 (UTC)